I'm Afraid of Water: coz of these -SHARKS, CROCODILES SNAKES, WHALES..on land.We The People πΊπΈ Gems in the dirt, buried in piles of shit, the weights of the world, searching for the stones and rocks to keep. People are stars, buried in piles of shit, lost in the herds.
Cuba s better than Mexico, and those family members are used to be projection for their owning feeling. It is how we get our feel good. So help me become the great Jewish Party Person, who is much better than a Rock Star. At least the Rock Stars are not equal to me in the Big Apple. Can't fix stupid...stay away from those low lives & McDonald's. RGJ Princess Frog: Rocky, Butch 2 Whale.: With friends last night!!!!! ππππ ππ⭐️πΈπ―
Dreams In Motions, Blue Dreams, Pipes To Smoke, Dances For Decades.No way ππππΆπΎππΎ.Hands to hold, dimes drops, waves to make, history of lovers, haters, suckers for free rides, dances on the sands of time. ️ Good Time Toads, Faces In The Crowds, Plenly Of Fish In The Seas, Lots Of Frogs In The Water. Love, Hate, Coins To Flip. ️

Hopes for the others that had to live that way. Spooks and ghost. Songs on the radio, love to share, life time thing to have someone near, family of friends, lovers to stay, over the good times, bumps in the road, and to help you when you fall.Angel Wings:History created, not news today, third party views. Holidays every day, every day your birthday,joys and happiness to share. Blame games played today, with herds of jackasses, donkeys in the hills and valleys. Snakes in dens, fruits and nuts, fags and fag hags, oral talents to trade. Good looks fading fast, sex and drugs, lifestyle of dense, stupid, and dimwits.Love me, Hate me., it really doesn't matter, but what does matter is that u can't ignore me...!! ☺ Traveller ⛺π πI am Kickassπ

Born to shine, born to save, born to help the lost, and displace military members, out of service, and homeless. Gifts to share, papers to write, acts of kindness to share. Joys and pains of the snake people, the animals under the surfaces of faces in the mirror. Classes on love and hate, to do again, lessons not learned yet, failed to learn in the first attempts in life lessons. Joy and pain, sad and blue for the darkness, in the shadows of the sun, frogs and snakes play.Veterans Housing Project in Riverside,California: Blue Lights, Blue Stars, Brights Stars Shine Bright.Fisherman, Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Welcome to the FAGGOT VERSION Cringe Park.FUCKING FAGGOT ASS FAGGOT OWNER IS ME!Not a minute to waste. Dreams in motion, prayers at work, angels hidden in the light of day. : Which are YOU…
Sweetheart Deals

Where is My Mind (1988) ✌✨ππ«ππ✨ ππππStronger for the classes.πππππππππππππππππScience faction is satisfactions most glorious tail that never happened. In a nutshell, we don't want the money but very few of us CAN live without it. ~~~Nancy Reagan .Love me, Hate me., it really doesn't matter, but what does matter is that u can't ignore me...!! ☺ Traveller ⛺π πI am KickassπNot a minute to waste. Dreams in motion, prayers at work, angels hidden in the light of day. : Which are YOU…

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